What did those mutton chops do to poor Matt?

Recently I have made an important discovery.
Those who are die hard fans of the oh so famous Isaac Asimov have deep seeded evil within. Speak to an huge fan of Asimov and all they will wish to speak about is robotics. If you are to try and change to subject to speak about perhaps the latest FTL nulification process some failing MIT student has mustered up and they will go nutty. My own experience involves a peer of mine who goes by the name Matt Hudson (go look him up) who has borrowed his look from the horrible Dresden Files and has challenged me to hand to hand combat when I informed him I was not the biggest Asimov fan... He claimed he could throw me a good 100 feet seeing as how I weigh roughly 90 pounds (but still sheeesh).

If you have had an Asimov fans get on your back let the world know here.

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