Get Impressed.

You may have been wondering why for some time now why I have only been writing about Greg Bear and Doctor Who and my hate of Harry Harrison and not the TSC/Impressive Infrastructure. I mean it is the whole point of this little writing site. Well it may suprise you but I have sprucing up the storyline, the scientific content, the aliens and the technology.

First off I finally have a ship design I like and will be comfotable using in stories. They will be of a cylindrical nature with a large ring surrounding the structure as to create gravity (well you knew that). Since these will be ships which travel close to light speed they need protection from very small minor bodies and dust. I took a concept used by Alastair Reynolds and put on the ships a tick caul of ice to protect the outer layer of the ship. The bit that is still unclear is the process which allows the ships to go at that speed. I liked what Alastair Reynolds has done by having each ship have a small wormhole connection to the big bang and collecting Quarck Gluon Plasma from the first 20-30 Nanoseconds of the big bang. But that would be stealing big time and I do not want to do that. And like I have said I do not want RAMJETS!!!!

Secondly I have now 5 short story ideas which follow what Hard SF should be.

The titles include.

1) Falidon's Whistle.
2) Nasal Passages.
3) A History of Glass.
4) Small but something to fear.
5) The Dentist.

Each story combines science into the plot with everything from Astronomy, Relativity, Extremophiles, Plastic Surgery, In-vitro fertilization, Microbial ice moon inhabiting extremophilic bacteria, Body conditioning, Thermodynamics and element consumption.

Of the now 11 races (there were once 12) all have been fully conceptualized and fit into their surroundings. All that is left to do is finish the research and start writing them. You may recall I hoped to have Falidon's Whistle by the end of the month but hat plan has been pushed way, way, way back into the relativily near to not so distant future. But be ready. Hopefully they will be written and formated in such a way it will compare to no other Hard SF or any for that matter.

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