The Guild.

You may recall I had written about a Hard SF/Interesting Fantasy Writers and Readers Guild in a previous post. Currently I am still trying to essemble a group of both readers and writers. As of right now I believe I could persued at least one individual my friend Anthony who has written a novella/novel (I'm not sure which)called the Andronian Project also known as The Rise of Xxyzen (I believe that is how it may be spelled)which is supposedly much like the work of Arthur C Clark and Greg Benford in the sense that it only takes place in our Solar System. I once also knew a kid who wrote stories about telekenesis (which may not really be SF but cetainly fantasy)in a non fiction voice. At the moment I am plotting a way to get my friend Aidan to start writing his own fantsy because he knows more about the genre then anyone I know and he has some good Ideas if I recall. So if you know any writers of either genre who would like to join please do tell. And make sure to read my new blog which will go into further detail on the project.... A post will be there later tonight.

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