Hyperdrive... Oh god no I would never use one of those.

I have decided to take any sort of space craft which can go at the speed of light but it now needs one new specification. It must produce an unhealthy ammount of exhaust.

In other news I recently discovered a relatively new series known as Hyperdrive starring Nick Frost from Shaun of the Dead and Hott Fuzz. He plays the sidekick in both but here he is the space commander of the H.M.S Camdenlock which is in space to protect britains interests in a changing galaxy. It is not that unlike Red Dwarf but minus the laugh track.

Since I am not the most tech savy individual I am giving you a URL as opposed to delivering the more convinient alternative of me placing it here on the blog.


1 comment:

rayfreester said...

I can actually help here! When you are at the video page you will see a video information box at the right of the screen, there will be the channel name, then a description and then to boxes of text, one says URL, the other says EMBED, you want to select the text in the box and copy, then paste into the text editor for page creation in blogger in the spot in the text you want the video.
Also just watched the video, Hyperdrive is pretty funny.