Themes, Stories and a slight apology.

First an apology... I didn't realize who left me that somewhat not really offensive comment which I ranted about in my last post... Sorry.... You know who you are.

Anyway! As I have spent more time in the wonderfully dull Show Me State otherwise known as Missouri I have found much time to develope more for The TSC. My main accomplishment was an extensive list of themes I plan to tackle throughout the series.


The Altagoman Religion
Effects of Relativity
Astronomy back in the nursury
City Engineering
Genetic Tampering
Scientific Discovery
Propulsion Systems
Agriculture (something you never see in SF)
Farming Equipment
Illegal Space Exploration
Shotty Radio Telescopes
Fear of new extraterrestrails
Infrastructure of an Impressive nature
File Keeping (Douge Alphitrax and The TSC Filing System)
How different physical characteristics affect the production and development of technology
Family Systems... Nuclear, Tribal, Communal?
Food and Drink Production
Planetary War.
Ship Operation
Invasive Plantlife/Botany

In addition to that I have developed two new story outlines...
Those being titled Nasal Passages and A History of Glass.
One deals with scientific restriction and a group of inner nasal goo drippers know as the walkers while the other deals with Cromarion glass makers and shrapnel (forgive the spelling) shooting air compreshion weaponry.
If you have questions feel free to ask... Even you you know who!

1 comment:

rayfreester said...

It's fine, I just always thouhgt it was wierd that aliens are alway very close to us in form and physiology, and always have similar body systems, aliens must be very different, possible beyond what we can imagine as different. BUt that doesn't mean they have to be different, just that aliens are probably very differnt. However in retrospect I relise that I wrote a tweaking post in the middle of the night and that their can only be so many ways of reproduction, and it basically boils down to two types, duplication(amoeba and the like) and recombination(eggs, mammalian etc.), but you know what they say about hindsight ;P, also i probably should have used one of ^those.