Forest Fire Gelfa.

I know that later this year in school we are create both a Utopia and a Distopia for class. For the most part I dislike this idea because I am sure everyone will have extremely similar concepts for both. The Utopias will be a flurry of chrome buildings with convenient technology, slide walks, advanced computer technology and luxary. Boring. As for the Distopias they will be about class systems and dark gray sky towers which loom above us all. It would be alot of Bladerunner copies.

Never have I thought that either concept was interesting but I realized I could expand upon several other ideas to make something fairly interesting. They will all take place in the Flesh Frozen universe (Yeah the one with the Lepers).

It all starts out where mankind has let go of budgetary restrictions and has finally begun travelling through space. As for Earth no class systems are to be heard of and information storage has been better then ever before. That is until Starship Gelfa (named after a first contact race) is veered off course and falls to Earth starting the largest Forest Fire in history. This fire spreads throughout and destroys the main information date along with many a person.

Many, many years later the only information available about the past comes from the Nazi revival movement library where many alter their appearence and frame of mind and become Arians. As a retaliation many become opposite Arians giving themselves an entirely black appearence. This does not last long when frozen comvicts are risen and tell the tales of the past and mass reconstruction begins. Then begins the whole leper problem.... And you know all about that. Additional info was taken from the human colony Culinaria in the Alpha Centauri system.

It is not the greatest idea but it is better then what my idiotic classmates will ever achieve.




Go to that Blog and you will see why I have wasted valuable BLOG SPACE!


Get Impressed.

You may have been wondering why for some time now why I have only been writing about Greg Bear and Doctor Who and my hate of Harry Harrison and not the TSC/Impressive Infrastructure. I mean it is the whole point of this little writing site. Well it may suprise you but I have sprucing up the storyline, the scientific content, the aliens and the technology.

First off I finally have a ship design I like and will be comfotable using in stories. They will be of a cylindrical nature with a large ring surrounding the structure as to create gravity (well you knew that). Since these will be ships which travel close to light speed they need protection from very small minor bodies and dust. I took a concept used by Alastair Reynolds and put on the ships a tick caul of ice to protect the outer layer of the ship. The bit that is still unclear is the process which allows the ships to go at that speed. I liked what Alastair Reynolds has done by having each ship have a small wormhole connection to the big bang and collecting Quarck Gluon Plasma from the first 20-30 Nanoseconds of the big bang. But that would be stealing big time and I do not want to do that. And like I have said I do not want RAMJETS!!!!

Secondly I have now 5 short story ideas which follow what Hard SF should be.

The titles include.

1) Falidon's Whistle.
2) Nasal Passages.
3) A History of Glass.
4) Small but something to fear.
5) The Dentist.

Each story combines science into the plot with everything from Astronomy, Relativity, Extremophiles, Plastic Surgery, In-vitro fertilization, Microbial ice moon inhabiting extremophilic bacteria, Body conditioning, Thermodynamics and element consumption.

Of the now 11 races (there were once 12) all have been fully conceptualized and fit into their surroundings. All that is left to do is finish the research and start writing them. You may recall I hoped to have Falidon's Whistle by the end of the month but hat plan has been pushed way, way, way back into the relativily near to not so distant future. But be ready. Hopefully they will be written and formated in such a way it will compare to no other Hard SF or any for that matter.


My fear of Greg Bear.

I have always been afraid of the writing of Greg Bear.
It all started one day when I was talking to my friends dad Neil. We were evaluating his book collection and I noticed he had a lone novel by Greg Bear the title of which I cannot remember. I made mention to him that a few months prior that I had seen Bear at the Seattle Downtown Library where he was talking about the works of Mary Shelley with several other writers of the genre. He informed me that the one Bear book he owned was his only one worth reading for everything else written by him was schlock. Neil had many a bad thing to say about Bear's Foundation novel.

Ever since that day I have been fearful of the work of Greg Bear. I would have gone out to find his "good" book but could not recall the title. However slowly I have found a desire to read his works but have still found it difficult to pick which one to read. Blood Music, The Forge of God, Quantico there were to many to choose from. So it was today that I decided to purchase a used copy of Queen of Angels which is the first of a series dealing with Nanotechnology and a future L.A.

I am hoping it is better then Neil may think. If there is any other Greg Bear work I should read please do tell because I am more than willing to read it.


The Guild.

You may recall I had written about a Hard SF/Interesting Fantasy Writers and Readers Guild in a previous post. Currently I am still trying to essemble a group of both readers and writers. As of right now I believe I could persued at least one individual my friend Anthony who has written a novella/novel (I'm not sure which)called the Andronian Project also known as The Rise of Xxyzen (I believe that is how it may be spelled)which is supposedly much like the work of Arthur C Clark and Greg Benford in the sense that it only takes place in our Solar System. I once also knew a kid who wrote stories about telekenesis (which may not really be SF but cetainly fantasy)in a non fiction voice. At the moment I am plotting a way to get my friend Aidan to start writing his own fantsy because he knows more about the genre then anyone I know and he has some good Ideas if I recall. So if you know any writers of either genre who would like to join please do tell. And make sure to read my new blog which will go into further detail on the project.... A post will be there later tonight.


Star Gazer notices a celestial freak of nature.

As you very well know the hardest part for me about developing the TSC was the atmospheres each of the twenty or so planets would have. I delved deep into research about habitable zones for G2 stars finding them to be about 200 AU, escape velocity, AU's from the star and still I was at a loss. I then stumbled upon a great book called a guide to extraterrestrials which had full detailed information and pictures of ET's used in previous science fiction. What I read was useful but not at first. Each habitat seemed to be earth like only with unpredicatble seasons such as in Poul Andersons FIRE TIME! I was still not feeling well and then made an epiphany. Many a hard SF writer has used an enabling device going as far to use FTL travel and things such as that. But the idea that came to me would both be an enabling device and a plot device. The TSC itself was a celestial freak of neature to start with being that it is three G2 stars lined up in relative close proximity to one another, all support life and now seemingly all of the living planets are slightly if not very O2 based. It may sound fishy but it actually plays into the story as to why Astronomy is so heavily restricted. If O2 atmospheres seem to be the most common and they support life then the univerese is teeming with threatning creatures every which way. Of course this is the view of politicians who are just afraid of what maybe will be out "there". But don't worry not all of the planets are like our own. Three are but that is meant partially as a joke to humans seeing as how we so desperatly are looking for at least one and here they are scattered everywhere. Some of the planets have things like chlorine and all sorts of things. I also made sure to have Gas Giants and dwarf planets and habitable moons (for some anyway).

In other news last night I was waiting on PBS for them to show my favorite episode of Doctor Who The Deadly Assassin but sadly they decided to switch up the line upand insteaqd showed one of my least favorite stories The Brian of Morbius which is just plain embarrasing. But while waiting I came upon the little show Star Gazer which is the one in which an older gentleman sits on the rings of Saturn and tells you what Astronomical events will be occuring soon. What I noticed about him is that he no doubt has a hair piece on. The other thing that was strange was that he was speaking about an ancient roman who was roasted alive and the guy had an enormous smile on his face. But it is cool that on monday from 3 am to dawn Earth will be going through the remnants of a coment and Meteores galore supposedly.



So you know.

A new blog has been created for the previous post. You can find it by checking my user link and it will be easily found. Or you can just go to:


But before you go why not enjoy some relaxing television?


Don't you just love 'em?

Bookclubs I mean...
Yes I don't care for them much myself but I feel there comes a time when they serve some sort of purpose. For some time now I have been thinking of a way to get SF ideas across with others who wish to write and read SF aswell.

This is why I have proposed the idea of the:
Young to Older Writers and Readers of Both Science Fiction (certain varieties atleast) and Fantasy (certain varieties at least)!

It would no doubt be fun, interesting and intellectually enlightening. Not only that but if involved in this sort of EC activity college admition executives will swoon.
If you could say Ae or Nae it would be appreciated and detailsof its whereabouts will come soon and how it may operate... Ae or Nae I did say.

The length of which will just never end.

My last post was in regards to the well known "science" fiction author Harry Harrison. You may also have noticed the describtion underneath the top of my page now mentions the author in high esteem. Perhaps I should elaborate on my dislike of this man. First off Harry Harrison did do one thing good for the world. He inspired the young minds of Rob Grant and Doug Naylor who as adults wrote the famous Britcom Red Dwarf so he cannot be all bad can he? WRONG!!!

Despite this fact the work of Harry Harrison is complete trash. I don't mean this to be mean but just to inform you the reading public. Here let me indulge you with several plot synopsis' of his "work".

The Stainless Steel Rat (1961)
At the beginning of the first novel, the Stainless Steel Rat believes he has pulled off a successful bank job, but is out-conned into working for the government. In the Special Corps, the elite law-enforcement and spy agency led by the former greatest crook in the Galaxy, Harold P. Inskipp, he joins the ranks of an organization that is entirely constituted of ex-criminals like himself. In the novel, he has several adventures during which he believes he has escaped from the Corps, and meets his love interest, Angelina, who is even more sociopathic than he is - she too is a criminal genius but lacks Jim's moral strictures against killing. She is attempting to have an illegal space battleship built on a backwoods planet. It transpires that Angelina was born unattractive and committed crimes to pay for her transformation into a beautiful woman; her psychological traumas are cured when Jim captures her, but she retains her allure and her criminal tendencies and joins Jim in the Special Corps.

The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge (1970)
The Stainless Steel Rat gets married, but rapidly gets involved in something that so far has proven impossible in the galaxy - the planet Cliaand has successfully been invading other worlds. Jim is sent to investigate (in scenes very reminiscent of Eric Frank Russell's 'Wasp'), discovers the mysterious Grey Men behind Cliaand's success, encounters a world of feisty warrior women, and becomes father of twins (James and Bolivar).

In total there are about 10 of those books all focusing on The Stainless Steel Rat. Another interesting note is that the books are the only books I believe in existence in which you really can judge them by their horribly cartoonish and disgusting colorful cover art. I kid you not.

But why spend this entire entry rambling on about bad writing when I could put it to better use.

Currently as I have mentioned in a previous post I am enjoying the novel Far-Seer part one of The Quintaglio Acension by canadian Hard SF writer Robert J Sawyer also known for his books Calculating God, Hominids and the short story On The Shoulders Of Giants. The book deals with Dinosaurs on a new planet and how they have evolved and how culture for them works in additon to their reaction to their moon home soon to become a ring around its enormous gas giant mother.

As of right now my book shelf is teeming with unread books and I have made myself quite a substantial list of which one I plan to read in what order.

1)Diamond Dogs/Torquiose Days by Alastair Reynolds (two novellas dealing with sentient machinery and alien marine life)
2)Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card (The sequel to Enders Game is something I have to read due to my enjoyment of the first book)
3)Startide Rising by David Brin (part two of the Uplift series, it is one I have written about previously and soon I will have answered many a question)
4)Timelike Infinity/Ringby Stephen Baxter (These two books have been known as "very,very hard science fiction" and that is right up my alley with its involment in superstrings and wormholes)
5)Cyteen by CJ Cherryh (a large, and I mean very large book dealing with the political and scientific problems of cloning from a space station known as Cyteen)
6)The Revelation Space Series by Alastair Reynolds (AR's claim to fame, this new age space opera series deals with deadly alien machinery left to kill any sentientbeing)
ETC.... Expect reviews of these and many, many more.




This will be short and to the point.

Never and I mean never read anything by the author HARRY HARRISON. Avoid the titles Stainless Steel Rat and Deathworld at all costs!!!! Be warned of your wandering eye you little periferins.

A solar system can seem so small yet so large.

If you have read my entry regarding Hard SF you know I have found it diffuclt finding a way to classify the story of Falidon's Whistle under that category, that was until recently. I found that since this was to be an introduction piece it needed to start on a wider scale in addition to everything else in the story. Then cameabout the idea of Alfigadan Smattents. What a Smattent is is nothing more then a brain dead (seemingly)Alfigadan chemists or pedestrians who believe in the consumption of smatter or as Carl Sagan would put it 'star stuff', essentially what the solar system and space is made up of. They catalouge what they eat and what everyone else consumes as to reach a plain of connection no one else has. Of course they are nuts and they want to eat a trambled and torn apart morphalm egg carrying infant for more young smatter. Why not have the opening talk about the formation of their solar system and the chemical elements that made their resting places on certain asteroids or planets or moons? Thid means a further delay in the writin process because due to the immense ammount of detail in my textbook I have just made it to the Jovian planets after having read about astrohistory,visual phenom,radiation, every type pof wavelength imaginable, etc... I am currently close to page three hundred and have about another 75 until the formation of our own solar system... Pattttttttttooooofffft!!!!


This justifies my obsession of Doctor Who.


The best part of this is on the bit for vengeance on varos in which Sil makes his well known slither laugh.

I don't care if there is a dinosaur on the cover with a telescope! I like it!

That is right I am reading part one of the Quintaglio Ascension Far-Seer. They are about dinosaurs which have been taken from earth 65 million years ago and rellocated on the earthlike moon of a enormous gas giant. This series is by famed canadian hard SF writer Robert J Sawyer and goes into great detail about how these evolved carnivours and the others have evolved and taken on civilized life. It deals with religion, speculation and my favorite of moons becoming rings around a planet. Although it may have a cover which will have you bolting away I assure you it is a good book to read. Normally I don't care for hard sf takes on satirical/allegorical subjects but the whole thing is somewhere in the time of Kepler and Martin Luther for the Quintaglios so it doesn't really bother me. The writing has been compared to the likes of Hal Clement and Larry Niven. It is quite apparent that Clement was an influence just on a worldbuilding standpoint but I'm not sure if the writing of Niven really stands up to Sawyer.

I have also found myself reading snipits of writing by James White and his Sector General books which have the most detailed accounts of E.T perhaps ever written.


The facts about Hard Science Fiction can be tricky.

It is not the easiest thing to write Hard SF or even do the research for. Not because the information you need is hard to obtain or difficult to understand but because not everyone believes certain sciences apply to the subgenre. Many believe that Hard SF should have its name used only for stories entirely based on either Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science. Sure all of those are great things to have in stories, without them we wouldn't have Alastair Reynolds, Greg Egan or damn near anybody. But shouldn'tother sciences be in that list as well as long as they are the main theme or driving force of the story?

As it turns out biology is often debated for its "hard" factor but why should it? It is a natural science! You can create rich science based stories with biology as the major plot point. I have found myself in distress because I am worried Falidon's Whistle will not be seen as SF because it deals with such things as Ontogeny, Embryology and a form of Epidemiology with many detailed astronomical dscribtions. But will this be good enough for readers of SF? Does considerably detailed scientific writing count or does scientific activity have to occur?

I personally think Hard SF is the best you can find and want my work placed under that category but most of the stories deal with scientific restrictions so will detailed plentful accurate scienctific mention cut it for the genre?

Recently I stumbled upon a fantastic essay which asks many of these questions and questions many of the current beliefs about Hard SF.

But first here is my definition of Hard SF which I will place in introductions because I believe the work I have been writing and thinking of is Hard SF (when everything is finally written I mean... It will be). Hard SF is a subgenre of science fiction which has its plot and main narrative revolve extensivly around any of the natural sciences in a highly detailed and highly accurate manor.

Please read this page and you may see what I am talking about.



They are at last complete.

Finally I completed the final layout for the three solar systems in the TSC. Tight and perfect. I was able to accomplish this feat with a lovely website known as Hard Science Fiction Tools which can assist you in many things.


In other news I conceptualized another story dealing with extremeophiles and meteor collisions.

Voyage to the Planets.

I just finished watching the BBC program Voyage to the Planets and I must say I was quite impressed. Be it the nice special effects or the actual believability of the mission itself. But I cant help but feel there were a few problems with it aswell.

For starts I felt it was a little to dramatic with the death of one of the crew members. I don't really want to see a lot of boo hooing what I want to see are the planets. This brings me to another problem; they did not go to all of the planets! Uranus, Neptune my two favorite planets and they totally avoid them for Pluto the pimple of the solar system. Yes I understand they went to plant more telescopes but it still is urksome.

Thinking about it now of all the space related docudramas I have seen (all of two) this one falls down in comparison. What I am comparing it to is the discovery channels Alien Planet which if you haven't watched it I advise you to. What set it apart from VTTP is I felt it was more believable because you had actual scientists commenting on the program instead of actors. But do not get me wrong VTTP was extremely good.



One idea I had for a episode of Flesh Forzen was called Culinaria in which long lost lepers make their way to the culinary tourism planet Culinaria and gorge themselves silly. It has been a long time dream of mine to combine hard sf with food and I think I have developed a cooking show taking place on Culinaria with and alien chef host not only taking you around the apparent alien scenery to find ingredients but could also create earth based meals and by using light speed telecommunications could keep in touch with earth to see what foods are popular. The only other thing similar thing I can think of is good eats with Alton Brown and it normally doesn't have aliens.

I have also been thinking of how I want to write the TSC in the big picture. I believe trilogies or tetrologies that follow the same theme but not neccisarily the same characters is the way to go. So there will be a trilogy hopefully for each of the sentient races, construction, illegal space exploration and scientific rebellion.


Welcome to Museum.

In case you didn't know besides my ideas revolving around the TSC and Flesh Frozen (which now has a six episode outline thank you very much) I have had another one brewing in the back of my mind for some time now. It is called Welcome to Musuem and it deals with a planet situated far out in the reaches of space. This would not only cover new ground in my ideas but would also be somewhat of an alternate history aswell. You see this planet now known universally as Museum is a museum to all of the lost civilizations of the universe but when sales go down and less civilizations disapear action must be made. Long story short worlds are destroyed by Museums main sentient race a group of large manray like creatures who slide along the chared ground of the planet sucking up nutrients. Soon enough Earth becomes a target and no Earth doesn't defend itself like it would now because the year is 1917 and things are not quite up to date. This is the basic outline of the story but it also deals with alien human recreation, dinosaurs and a lot space travel and unlike TSC would be much less mysterious with science.

Uplift your physics Brin.

I recently became interested in the author David Brin who is famous for writting the two uplift trilogies. The books deal with species uplifting other close to sapient species to the point where they can create civilization and starships and the works. The only species never to have been uplifted are humans who speculate they may have been and that the answer lies in the core of the sun. Everything takes place in the five galaxies (five galaxies)and there is communication between many different races. David Brin is considered a hard SF writer but it occured to me he uses many cheats.For one there is FTL travel otherwise cross galaxy travel would be impractical and every single planet they go to has an oxygen atmosphere. How is this hard? What makes up for these two facts? I plan to find by reading Startide Rising his supposes magnum opus... But well see.


My Enemy List.

(10) Samantha Chastain (badder brained student actress)
(9) Chloe the violin players mother (brash, loud and clearly making up for her underachievment through her daughter)
(8) Tachyon Particles (Star Trek thinks they can use them for everything... Well they can't!)
(7) Rachel Ray (If you know who she is you know why)
(6) Janice Vong (See below with Casey Babcock)
(5) Casey Babcock (Both she and Janice Vong stole my academic thunder by becoming valedictorians while I was off by a mere 0.03 credits from also recieving that honor. And then while I offered them a fantastic speech they wrote their own which involved the deaths of several teenagers who were killed at a rave down the street from our school on a weekend! What the hell does that have to do with middle school? Also they like Chastain were badder brains... And mean to boot)
(4) Kate Lorenzini (When my humanities teacher Ms. Morin left after the first semister of this school year on maternity leave she was replaced by Ms. Lorenzini a pratencious, bossy, cottoned eared bully who would not listen to reason)
(3) Ms. Bowers ( Lzini's doppelganher)
(2) Anthony (The only enemy to become an ally and the most worthy opponent I have ever known. We both during fifth grade were part of seperate armies and duked it out in strategic mind battles. Once he left my school little was known of his whereabouts until grade seven when we realized the stakes were so bad for the both of us that we had to join forces. We have been allies ever since)
(1) Nick Beaven (The only person ever to get me into trouble, a briber, a pissant, a lyer, a snot nosed pretencious, trying to be PC brat. That is a mere chip off the tip of the ice berg for Nick Beaven. Not only does he attend the hell hole that is SAS but his parents offered him his own condominium. He is my age. And he is just so unpleasent to be around it makes me want to vomit. Yes there is my number one enemy... Nick Beaven.

What do you want to see?

Over the past school year I have asked both peers (who at my school are nothing more then a group of slack jawed idiots with a few diamonds in the rough) and teachers what themes or subjects they would like to see or see more of in science fiction. This proved to be a worthy but all together unsuccesful activity ending up with only two answers. The first one I recieved from my science teacher Ms. Culbertson who had a want for more botany (seeing as how she is a trained botanist). The second one unfortunatly came from one of my arch enemies Matt Huddson (see upcoming enemies list and see post already up about Matt in the June section). I decided I might as well ask him the question as well but at first came up with no answer. While walking away from me down the hall in his dresden files homage outfit (yes he was wearing the outfit from the dresden files, which I have never watched) I decided to ask again just to make sure he didn't want to answer. Then at just that moment he paused and turned his head slightly and let out this word "Robotics". Seeing as how Matt is a die hard Asimov fan I didn't take the answer seriously seeing as how he is an enemy and that Asimov was a raging egotist who thought he knew everything there was to know.

What I want to know is what do you want to see in SF? Is there anything you feel has been underrespresented? You are my salvation seeing as how everyone with the exception of myself and Matt Huddson at our school (with a population of 275) hates SF. See enemies list coming right now.


Dirty Jobs.

One thing I never see in any SF (that is with the exception of one episode from Season 5 of Babylon 5) is anyone with disgusting, vomit inducing jobs. Where are those aliens who have to clean out septic tanks, or those unfortunate dermatologists (perhaps the worst job in my opinion). I have been creating a list for the TSC of disgusting low class jobs and planning on writing a short story about each. If things go well I plan to write a book entitled A City of 1353 Seasons. The whole book would be a whole grouping of vingettes about the creation of Derlian the main commerce city on the central TSC planet Tallonfill. It would follow electricians, plumbers, masons, the works. This would not only be cool way to examine alien construction bu would help further explain how different races are able to construct technology according to their evolution.


Hyperdrive... Oh god no I would never use one of those.

I have decided to take any sort of space craft which can go at the speed of light but it now needs one new specification. It must produce an unhealthy ammount of exhaust.

In other news I recently discovered a relatively new series known as Hyperdrive starring Nick Frost from Shaun of the Dead and Hott Fuzz. He plays the sidekick in both but here he is the space commander of the H.M.S Camdenlock which is in space to protect britains interests in a changing galaxy. It is not that unlike Red Dwarf but minus the laugh track.

Since I am not the most tech savy individual I am giving you a URL as opposed to delivering the more convinient alternative of me placing it here on the blog.



They have come... The answers to my scientific prayers.

Finally after harrasing you my readers with 5 unholy rants about me not being able to find any sutable information on outer atmospheres I have finally found it! In my extensive astronomy textbook (which I have slowly been taking notes from over the summer) appropriatly titled from stonehenge to quasars has what I have been searching for. And this is one serious textbook. While most astronomy books will have pictures of planetary nebulae or a beatiful black hole this one is desinged with radio wave illustrations so all of your comments regarding my question were nothing more then an unneccisary gesture of warmth.... And sorry buddy.

You underestimate me buddy!

This entry needs for you to read the lasts 1 comment.

You think i never thught of that.... That latin system is dead in the leper future. A future where the cool factor is regarded as oppossed to sense. Why do you think individuals were giving themselves leoprosy? To be cool because lepers were cool! Ha!

Now I am a truly novice atmospheric thinker so all I know about alien atmosphere is that it can be made from oxygen, hydrogen, helium, carbon, potacium, nitrogen etc. But shows like B5 have all sorts of aliens using protection suits due to their atmospheres but it is never known what kind they live in. Does an atmosphere have to be composed of a known element or can I simply make it up and save myself all of this trouble? All of this is making me sound like an absolute dolt... I never have felt so idiotic. Question after question. Post after post regarding question after question. It is a sad state of affairs.


I just read the two comments from my last entry and I must say I detected a little bit of anger from Jeremy R. of Ruhlandepedia! And to him I have to ask why just cram them in and let the universe ignore them? The TSC is on its own. They make sure they have no contact with any life forms out of the three systems. Since they already defy the Drakes Equation which states that only two planets in a solar system will develope life and only 1% of that life will be intellegent and only 1% of that intellegent life will be able to communicate. In the Tossig system there are three sentient species from three seperate planets. All in all there are 12 sentient races from three systems so as a whole they believe this high concentration of life is ordinary so they are not going chance meeting another large group of life and get anihilated.

And yes neptune is blue due to frozen methane but with the exception of that little bit of knowledge I can find absolutely nothing on outer atmosphere appearences. And I don't like the idea of having all of these life baring planets looking like earth just due to the fact that that is a little on the boring side. I am trying make everything scientifically perfect but often times it is hard when the information is difficult to find.

Also by the time Flesh Frozen takes place lepers were for some time regarded as celebrities due to their appearance so they were not treated. Then after some time disgusting diesease enhancements were made to make leoprosy even more disgusting and it was there when the problem began. The new extreme lepers became crazy and over time began to evolve differently. Lepers began breeding like rabbits and the disease was passed on over the generations until the problem was so great the earth government issued the asteroid hurtling which unintentionaly started the new ice age which then in turn led to the big hot house domes and nuclear pulse propulsion leper pirates. And due to the lepers extreme difference current scientists (not the smartest bunch) classified them as unhuman and gave them the title of Lepris Sapien.

So I have unburdened myself of creating the term Lepris Sapien.... It was idiotic scientists from the future who created the term.... Ha!!!!

It should be noted.

When I say Lepris Sapien I do not mean to say that lepers will become a sub species, it was nothing more then a cute little title. However by this time in the story the disease is far different then it once was (for plot purposes you understand). If it were to stay the same the threat they cause would be a little silly don't you think? And besides it is about killer lepers and Gustapos!

Anyway I would like to thank JeremyR. for suggesting a very nice light speed travel device but in it lies a problem. What I am looking for is plain and simple. A large ship with the ability to hold mass ammounts of lifeforms across severall lightyears going close to light speed. My need for light speed comes from the fact that a good deal of the story revolves around time dilation which as you know is caused by light speed according to relativity. To my knowledge the way in which I want to deliver time dilation has not yet been done in SF. The only things close supposedly comes from the Ender's Game series (which I have finally begun reading and I must say it is quite good).

Yet again I find myself currently with the closest option being a ramjet which still has problems. All I need is a big hull which can carry alot of lifeforms in one large area because it take far to long to furnish the ship with seats for all sorts of physionomies and it must go close to light speed and be able to succesfully deccelerate before it reaches a docking bay (or whatever you like). Nothing seems to fit!!!!!!

Lepris Sapien.

For those of you who read my last two posts please let me apologize for delivering you nothing more then an extensive rant talking about how pathetic I am. I could use your help so for those who have not read either please do so.

Anyway my idea for Flesh Frozen has morphed itself into a six episode television series which would involve everthing from lepers, nuclear pulse propulsion, ice age, fusion rockets, big mobs, gustapos, the grand unification etc. In the new version of things after lepers have left on old crusty spaceships using nuclear pulse propulsion many have been left over and the remaining humans are forced to live in huge heated domes along with farm land and livestock. To keep things in check the government has revived a large group of gustapos out of stasis who were going to originally going to be thrown into the atmosphere of Venus to experience their death penalty for their nazi revival movement in the year 5078 Ad, so they have been in stasis for 12,000 years.

Now you may be wondering why the earth still has such primitive propulsion technology and the answer is due to the major tech crash in 3590....

But while all of this is occuring the lepers or lepris sapiens are gathering on the outside. Also in space they have left a considerably long trail of bodies. This is due to the fact that the new lepers live a short while and are in ships going 10% of light speed.

So for those who havent read the previous entry's....Hey!


I hate to do this... But....

I pride myself throught the knowledge I can gain. I enjoy showing off my gleaming report cards. I like these things.... But recently I have come across to things that have begun to drive me mad. The first as you may have read from my previous entry (yes two posts in one day... It is pathetic) is my difficulty finding an adequate light speed ship now I have a new problem. No matter how many books I read (if you want to know I have been studying astronomy extensivly) I cannot and I mean cannot find anything which explains why outer atmospheres look the way they do! I know neptune appears blue because of something dealing with methane, but to date I cannot find any solid explanations. I ask you readers once again to help me. I quote myself from previous today "Please those of you reading help me.... Otherwise I will have no choice but to use the Ramjet which only works once pushed out into empty space which may serve itself as a problem. So please help me! I keep finding things like Ion ships and what not so PLEASE HELP! It is the one thing I need for the series to be complete! You wanna read it don't you?....Don't you?!"... So what do you say? Help me? Tell ya what if you are to help me in a small section of the writing I will place a little thanks column and your name will be there.... Thanks to Koddtholt Similax and so ans so.... Oh god, tears are pouring from my eyes, blood is trickling from my fingers, puss is oozing from my glands, sweat from my ears, printing ink is spurting from my nose.... So please say yes... Or pay.

Light speed... The one thing I need.

For those of you who have tried to fully realize a science fiction series you mau agree that the hardest part is coming up with what kind of ships you want. For me this is a serious issue. In the TSC the need for light speed is a must, without it the story would not work quiet as well due to the fact that many of my ideas deal time dilation. I have gone through the different ship designs but have found a problem. Who is to say that a complete alien race would have ships similar to that of the Project Orion designs (nuclear pulse propulsion)? Even though I would feel uncomfortable using earth designs or ideas I still do not want to relie on the fact that they are aliens and leave it that. I want plausible light speed ships that can carry a good deal of life forms. For a while I was considering a take on Bussard Ramjects (big hydrogen atom scoops) which are theorized to go close to light speed but I am still unsure. All I need is a huge light speed ship which uses centripical force as gravity and has the capability of holding transport ships to carry indivuals down to the surface of a planet.
Please those of you reading help me.... Otherwise I will have no choice but to use the Ramjet which only works once pushed out into empty space which may serve itself as a problem. So please help me! I keep finding things like Ion ships and what not so PLEASE HELP! It is the one thing I need for the series to be complete! You wanna read it don't you?....Don't you?!


Flesh Frozen.

At the beginning of the school year I will be taking classes in my schools excellent film program. Today after taking rigorous notes from my astronomy textbook I began to think about an idea stored way back in my mind. For some time I have found leoprosy to be a funny subject. Most would disagree. I then started to think how I could combine Leoprosy and SF and I finally found it. Here is the story so far.

Several hundreds of thousands of years in our future leoprosy is an enormous problem. Lepers have evolved in such a way that they breed like rabbits and have a less then joyous lifespan. In addition they have all moved to a singgle area in western brittish columbia. To deal with the situation the earth government (which has spread itself throughout the galaxy by this point) takes action by creating a sort of asteroid slingshot to fling at large collections of lepers. This system works for a short while until they use an asteriod far to large and miss... Creating a new iceage. This results in all out war which leads to lepers stealing nuclear weaponry but not for the most obvious of reasons... Instead of them using the bombs as weapons they instead use them as jet propulsion and so on and so forthm



As I near the very final episode of Red Dwarf I decided to honor it by making Lister's favourite dish Chicken Vindaloo. Considering how hot it is outside and the heat produced by the cooking process it was not the most pleasent of tasks. And also to my disapointment the curry itself wasn't as hot as I was led on to believe from Lister himself! Boy what work for such little payback. Here is the recipe I used.

3 chicken breast fillets
2-3 large onions
2 fresh chilli peppers (I use 1 red and 1 green)
6 cloves of garlic
2cm cube of ginger (if you don't have fresh ginger use 2 cloves garlic + 1 tsp dried ginger powder)
1 tsp turmeric
2 tbs white wine vinegar
1 tsp dried coriander powder
1 tsp garam masala
0.5 tsp cinnamon powder
1.5 tsp black peppercorns
1 tsp mustard seeds
0.5 tsp rock salt
1 tbl chopped fresh coriander leaves
half a cup of water

[edit] Procedure
Make the onion sauce
Take a thick-based frying pan, and pour into it enough vegetable oil to cover the base, with a little excess. Heat on a stovetop.
Slice the onions into fairly thin slivers. When the oil is very hot, add the onions.
Turn the stove down to a low heat, so the onions just gently sauté. After around 3 minutes they should be starting to caramelize.
Gradually turn up the heat and keep stirring the onions. You want them to brown quite heavily without burning.
Add the white wine vinegar, it will sizzle, and after a while will evaporate. Keep stirring. Fry for several more minutes, until they are very brown, but not burnt.
Remove the onions from the pan into a bowl, taking care to let as much oil as possible drip back into the pan. You should now have a bowl of nicely crisped fried onions.
Add the onions to a blender or food processor. Add around 1 tablespoon of oil, and process for around a minute until you have a fairly thick, dark brown sauce. This is the basic onion sauce from which vindaloo is made. It's also the onion sauce that gives the vindaloo the majority of its 'hot' taste, as it builds up as you eat the dish.
Remove sauce from blender and set aside.
Make the garlic/chili paste
Coarsely chop the garlic cloves (and ginger if you're using it). De-seed the chilli peppers and chop in the same way. Add the chopped garlic and chillies to the food processor.
Blend the garlic and chillis until you have a fairly grainy (but liquid) sauce. For this I used an attachment on my blender which is intended to grind coffee beans. It has a much smaller container and so there's less waste.
Add the turmeric, coriander powder, garam masala and cinnamon to the sauce. Stir it until it's well mixed, and set aside.
Gently crush the black peppercorns in a mortar and pestle. Once coarse, add the mustard seed and rock salt. Continue blending until all the spices form a nice coarse powder.
Cook the paste and meat
Pour a little oil into a saucepan. Add the spiced garlic and chilli paste to the pan. It needs to be slightly floating on oil, not touching the bottom of the pan.
When the sauce is quite hot and bubbling, add the chopped meat. Keep stirring so the meat absorbs the spice mix, until it is browned and mostly cooked.
Add onion sauce and simmer
Now add the onion sauce to the pan. After stirring for 1 minute, add a little water and stir for another 2 minutes, then turn the heat to quite low. The sauce at this stage should be quite runny, and orange/tan in color. Remember a lot is going to evaporate off as it cooks.
At this stage you can add some vegetables. Half a cup of frozen peas works well.
Place a lid over the pan, and cook for around 30-40 minutes. Keep checking and stirring the pan every 5 or 10 minutes to make sure it doesn't stick or burn.
Towards the last 15 minutes of cooking time, boil 2 cups of pilau, or basmati rice in a pan.
The sauce will darken in color as it cooks. Add the rice and spoon the curry over the top. Sprinkle the chopped coriander leaves over the curry, and serve immediately


Oh the things you may possibly be seeing and hearing with the exception of such things as space anomolies which to me is something that is over used.

You may be interested in the milk packaging but what is truly interesting is the use of Proliac on cows. Thanks to Monsanto (the place where both my great uncle and father used to work) we have Proliac a product meant to produce more milk from cows but instead produces an unsavory ammount of puss as a less then satisfactory substitute.
Sorry about that I was frustrated. Prior to writing this post I had one going and acciedentally backed out of the page. Uggg!
Anyway.... By the end of this very summer I plan not only to have several short stories completed (yes short stories not novellas which by the way Sir. Drivel your Truth Rests story was not nearly long enough to be considered a novella... More of a Novellete. Sorry) but also podcasts for each of them set up in chapter form. Now I am not the most tech savy individual so if anyone knows a good way to set up a podcast do tell.


Cromaria Beith My Darling

For my writing class this year ( which if I may mention I recieved a Literary Arts award ho ho) I was able to write an illustrated story about the TSC with the help of Jack Jennings who will be attending Rhode Island School of Design. Here is the written text... It was meant to make you wonder what is going on as opposed to flat out telling you. So here it is Cromaria Beith My Darling.

Cromaria Beith my Darling Text for each illustration…
In order of illustration 1-14… Anything not italics is what should be used. Bold = Title

Cromaria Shot #1… 1st


What is it about Cromaria everyone loves so much?

The diverse geographic regions – Tanigohg of the Tallonfill Geographic Asc.
The inhabitants loyalty to the Collective is questionably strong but admirable none the less – Mong Alling of the TSC Origins and Beyond Committee.
Their Matriarchy is nothing less than fascinating… Especially for reptiles
Warmth (in the loving sense) seems to radiate off of every telligeff of space on the planet – Illgag of the Official TSC Ambassadorial Aid Department: Thengaligan Division.
I have a fondness for the moons – Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

The Bresgoth in uniform shot…2nd

The Insult

What is your view on the Bresgoth uniform mockery ritual?

I personally think it is not unlike the behavior of adolescent Gissrew – Kralf Sada of the Ossidrimge Psychiatric Firm.
What harm does a little tradition do to anyone? – Fritsalm of the Falidon Bio Org.
It would be alright if only they didn’t destroy so many original articles of clothing for their mockery – Howgu Min of the Upholstery Division for the TSC Emporium.
I know Fritsalm spoke to you but at the moment I am trying to see why this bacteria glows in a red hue when it normally is seen bright yellow – Conserf of the Falidon Bio Org.
I think its funny – Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

Cromarion Speak #1… 3rd

Cromarion Speak #1

Did you ever come in contact with a Bresgoth while in battle?

In a sense… One could call it battle, but eye of the beholder I suppose. It was Exrill 41 during season 3.07 and I was sleeping in my quarters. This was when Tallonfill began allowing any Cromarion soldier go into battle on Altagomas to stay in Derlian’s one empty district. I recall I was sleeping in the quarter I was provided with when I began to hear from outside the sound of drums. The Funny thing about the sound was that it was not unlike that of our own battle drum song. I allowed my own curiosity to run its own course and stuck my head out the window. Not to my surprise I saw hundreds of other heads of my fellow Cromarion soldiers peering out of their own view points in the hopes to see what was happening. We could see large mob of some sort but we could not make out who it could be. After several moments we could see it was none other then the Bresgoth wearing what appeared to be old Cromarion uniforms. Then in the blink of an eye the Bresgoth all leaped and began to attack. I realize now I should have shut my window but such is life I suppose – Onhmiltrish, a down and out Cromarion.

The Solar sails… 4th
The Solar Sails
Why is it that the Bresgoth left the Collective completely?
· They were afraid of the consequences of their actions – Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· They had better things to do – Salltrop of the Interstellar Support Team
· It was a way to teach us all a lesson- Botfregzed a Bresgoth sympathizer
· Their flight had been delayed- Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

How did they leave without a Collective grade ship?
· I have no clue whatsoever – Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· Well, some sort of transportation – Salltrop of the Interstellar Support Team.
· How am I supposed to know, for all I know they dematerialized into nothingness – Botfregzed a Bresgoth sympathizer.
· With a grouping of ships with sails made from Biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephalate polymers using radiation from both stars and laser light to propel them forward – Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

The Crater City… 5th
The Crater… Among many
Is it fair to say that the Cromarions had it coming when their three largest cities were destroyed by the Bresgoth?
· Just terrible wasn’t that? I believe no one should be slaughtered in such a cowardly fashion – Grao Gillih of the TSC Terrain Explorer Guild.
· The Bresgoth did vow they were going to destroy every single TSC system protector species. I suppose they had no time to get to the other two – Tiog, a Thengaligan nurse.
· It came as such a surprise I still do not know what to make off it – Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· Some real nice Arcologies came from it I suppose - Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

The Arcology… 6th
You may think it but inundation is rare
Have you ever spent time in one of the Cromarion Arcologies during the post scorching?
· To be perfectly honest no – Grao Gillih of the TSC Terrain Explorer Guild.
· For a brief time I did. I must say I became quite seasick one due to its being on water and Cromarias gravity has always given me a blinding head ache – Tiog, a Thengaligan nurse.
· I have and it is an interesting design but I sometimes believe Cromarions love for water sometimes is a tad detrimental for them. There was just far too much wind resistance – Asmima of the Cromarion Historical Learning Society.
· Cromarions spit too much for my taste, I’m sure the floors would be filthy – Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

Cromarion Speak #2…7th
Cromarion Speak #2
Why are you down here in this quarry? Is there nothing else you can b doing?
· There is nothing I can do! All of the other Cromarions packed up and left for the new landscape tunnels and I didn’t have enough money to get my way in. Zsssssspaq! I haven’t had any form of a job since the Bresgoth left. Zsssssspaq! Just my luck to, I’m running close to dry on Gualmit. It’s going to take my six Hreggzigs to out of here that is unless you would be so kind as to take me up with you in your flight mobile over there. Zsssssspaq! – Desfreyh drunk and generally unimportant Cromarion.

The Hydrogen Balloon City… 8th
The jokes may be more then they seem
Have you ever heard a Bresgoth balloon joke?
· Are you kidding? I’ve heard the same joke hundreds of times of course only the punch line – Grao Gillih of the TSC Terrain Explorer Guild.
· Yes, don’t remind me – Tiog, a Thengaligan nurse.
· Only the awful punch lines- Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· I never understood them until the incident- Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

What did you think of the discovery of this lost race and their living environments?
· All I can tell you is that they were complete idiots to live in balloon cities. I suppose that is why the Bresgoth found them so funny –
· No wonder they died! A hydrogen city!!!- Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· They were perfect for explosions and they did just that - Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

The Explosion… 9th
With a hey nonny nonny and a whoosh whoosh whoosh
Did you expect any deaths after the Bresgoth left?
· I never thought they would be any Bresgoth left to do something like that- Solley of the Cromarion Infantry Division.
· Never would I have that a Bresgoth could muster up the courage to become a suicide bomber… In a sense – Salltrop of the Interstellar Support Team.
· As I said earlier a hydrogen city is an asinine idea and the Bresgoth knew it - Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· Hydrogen always makes a beautiful explosion - Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.

The Sprawl… 10th
Tallonfill a cold but friendly bosom friend
Do you think it was appropriate for the Tallonfill representatives to allow a district of Derlian to be used for asylum for Cromarion soldiers fighting against the Altagomans?
· Eh! I’m so sick of this question – Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· Sure it was inappropriate, Cromaria had plenty of space to keep the soldiers – Salltrop of the Interstellar Support Team.
· If soldiers were to stay on Cromaria the planet would then become an easy target. By staying on Tallonfill they stayed safe because the Altagomans would never destroy the birthing grounds of the Collective because without a doubt they would be dead – Solley of the Cromarion Infantry Division.
· I’ve lived on Tallonfill all of my life and never had the ground been so filthy before that - Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill.


The Bresgoth… 11th
Well see you no matter how duplicitous you may be
Do you believe the Bresgoth will ever come back and if so what action do you think will be a result of it?
· Only to look upon their previous work – Solley of the Cromarion Infantry Division.
· When Venelusians can, that is when the Bresgoth will come back – Ughtossig of the CWMF.
· If Sitsragi does not break apart then just maybe the Bresgoth will return – Salltrop of the Interstellar Support Team.
· When the time comes… I won’t be living so I don’t worry - Tibith of the homeless population of Tallonfill

Cromarion Speak #3… 12th
Cromarion Speak #3
Do you plan on staying here for the rest of your life?
· Where else can I go? All of the fields are scorched, the caves have collapsed and the marshes are filled with rubble. As far as I am concerned this is the safest and least expensive place around plus all the Gualmit you can handle.
What about the landscape tunnels or perhaps another planet. Tallonfill does have very similar gravity to Cromaria, it would be quite comfortable.
· That may be so but there are a few problems. The tunnels are far too expensive and the lighting system is faulty at best. And keep this in mind, since the fall of the Collective and the leaving of the Bresgoth commercial transportation is almost non existent. There are no more Collective ships coming in every hreggzig anymore.

Cromaria Shot #2…13th and last

So there is nowhere else I can go without great difficulty – Jouge, a down and out Cromarion.


Sometimes I need to backtrack.

I realized I have been writing to much about my own SF... Hows about a brief change of pace...
Recently I have been watching a good deal of SF television.

If you are already not an avid fan I have to suggest Doctor Who... And I'm talking the whole thing. To realy appreciate the show you have got to watch it from beggining to end... Which it currently does not have (hoo hoo). But if you feel that is to much I would suggest you at least watch various stories or at least some of the arcs such as season eighteen's Entropy which has everything from vampires, dimmension tripping and the end of the universe plus the departure of K-9 and the new face of The Master (who just came back in the new series... but sniff sniff.... well you may see).

Another show I have gone crazy for in Red Dwarf... Who would have thought a Sitcom could have so many intersting new concepts for SF? I mean who would have thought?

Currently I am looking forward very much to watchin Blakes & which despite its rancid producton values sounds just plain cool.

Themes, Stories and a slight apology.

First an apology... I didn't realize who left me that somewhat not really offensive comment which I ranted about in my last post... Sorry.... You know who you are.

Anyway! As I have spent more time in the wonderfully dull Show Me State otherwise known as Missouri I have found much time to develope more for The TSC. My main accomplishment was an extensive list of themes I plan to tackle throughout the series.


The Altagoman Religion
Effects of Relativity
Astronomy back in the nursury
City Engineering
Genetic Tampering
Scientific Discovery
Propulsion Systems
Agriculture (something you never see in SF)
Farming Equipment
Illegal Space Exploration
Shotty Radio Telescopes
Fear of new extraterrestrails
Infrastructure of an Impressive nature
File Keeping (Douge Alphitrax and The TSC Filing System)
How different physical characteristics affect the production and development of technology
Family Systems... Nuclear, Tribal, Communal?
Food and Drink Production
Planetary War.
Ship Operation
Invasive Plantlife/Botany

In addition to that I have developed two new story outlines...
Those being titled Nasal Passages and A History of Glass.
One deals with scientific restriction and a group of inner nasal goo drippers know as the walkers while the other deals with Cromarion glass makers and shrapnel (forgive the spelling) shooting air compreshion weaponry.
If you have questions feel free to ask... Even you you know who!

Hey Buddy...

To answer your question Raysafeery (or whatever the spelling may be, I didn't take to time to memorize it) they would not have the same reproductive systems only one that is of a slightly similar nature! I am currently doing research as a frame of reference. You don't go around saying you know everything there is to know about a quasar while you know absolutely nothing about them. You would say something along the lines of "Ummmmmmmmm.... Ummmmmmmmmmm... Something you find in space?".
Don't assume I haven't changed there reproductive system you schwanzstucker.


Eggs and Needles.

Recently I have been doing research for the short story I have started writing Falidon's Whistle. Part of this research process involved me learning about In vitro Fertilization which I must say is a strange process. Not only that but I can't imagine that it does not hurt immensly. In a nutshell the process involves the soon to be mother taking certain medication to stimulate the development of multiple follices. From there an ultrasound guided needle pierces through the vaginal wall to reach the ovaries. This process takes about 20 minutes. I have yet to speak with an OBGYN and I can only hope to gain more knowledge so I can finish this story.


Falidon's Whistle or The Official Introduction To The Tri-System Collective.

As I mentioned in my previous entry I plan over the summer to complete an extensive short story or potentially a novella which will serve as an introduction to the TSC or in its literary name the II or Impressive Infrastructure. The story will be titled Falidon's Whistle and will follow the two main characters less then heroic journey from the official territory of the Morphalm to the sprawling central city of Derlian while carrying freezer packs filled with roughly 22 dead morphalm babies which need their eggs and extraterrestrial semen removed to help propagate the increasinly shrinking population of the uninbred... Well that about sums up the brief summary of Falidon's Whistle.


A new post for the few of you I believe to be reading this sad but still burning ember of a blog.

Just today I asked Jeremy R. of Jeremy's Podcast what was so dark about the books of Peter Watts. The story goes that while speaking about various works of Hard SF and popular SF weapons Jeremy informed me of this Watts fellow who apparently has a trilogy which primarily takes place in some sort of underwater city near the shoulder of a volcanoe. To me it sounded much like a horrible adventure movie but I asked more about it. I was informed the material was so dark that the Russian government had the trilogy banned. It wasn't until this very evening when I finally asked what this dark material could be. As iturns out this city is inhabited by rapists, murderers and theifs. What a glorious concept. In fact it both suprised and encouraged me. For some time I have the idea for the Tri-System Collective to have a character by the name of Tibith to be a known rapist. Don't ask me why but I just felt like having the most unlikable character imaginable being used as an important plot device regarding UFO's in the main collective system being seen from an illegal telescope (I'll go more into detail about that later). This also encourages me because my other idea regarded a whole society connected to the collective who are like that of spanish royalty or any royalty for that matter only reveresed. You see the Morphalms would be divided amoung the inbred and the royal 1,600. The royal 1,600 would be a group of very well bred (and I mean diverse) individuals who are sperated from others because they are not inbred. I always thought it was nutty for royalty to inbred for you become deformed!

Well that is enough writing for this moment. I should inform you that due to my new found encouragment I plan over this very summer to complete a lengthy short story regarding TSC and the Morphalm inbred society under the title of Falidon's Whistle. Perhaps I will post it.


Over the top.

Does the idea of a pink coated man with a gal by the name of the Blue Nun harnessing gravitons in some sort of super theoretical rocket and flying through space to see if they can cross over to a seperate brane seem at all over the top?


What did those mutton chops do to poor Matt?

Recently I have made an important discovery.
Those who are die hard fans of the oh so famous Isaac Asimov have deep seeded evil within. Speak to an huge fan of Asimov and all they will wish to speak about is robotics. If you are to try and change to subject to speak about perhaps the latest FTL nulification process some failing MIT student has mustered up and they will go nutty. My own experience involves a peer of mine who goes by the name Matt Hudson (go look him up) who has borrowed his look from the horrible Dresden Files and has challenged me to hand to hand combat when I informed him I was not the biggest Asimov fan... He claimed he could throw me a good 100 feet seeing as how I weigh roughly 90 pounds (but still sheeesh).

If you have had an Asimov fans get on your back let the world know here.

Slide Walks, Flying Cars and Insurance

For the longest time we have been told to thought that when the future comes (I suppose that is every next second) we will both have cars which fly and sidewalks that make to task of walking a thing of the past. Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! What terrible ideas. Consider how high an adultscar insurance payments add up to when their teenage son or daughter decide they wish to drive. Beyond the point where I am ever willing to have children. Imagine a drunken teen in a flying car! I imagine shards of glass and mufflers sticking through the chest cavities of office workers going about their everyday tasks on the 53rd floor of a skyscraper. I can also find many problems with the idea of slidewalks made famous by Heinlein (who if anyone is curious is having his 100th birthday celebrated this July in Kansas City at a convention featuring a live video feed from Arthur C Clark in case anyone was not in the know). Once those devices get to their highest possible speed what if they had to make an abrupt stop? The individual would most likely go flying forward unless the device had an immediate friend of inertia. Also keep in mind the lines indivuals would have to wait through just to board one of these slidewalks.
I have discovered a solution to these problems using The Tri-System Collective!
Use neither of these contraptions!!!!!!
My solution is a series of enormous conveyor belts carring along the many sky bridges through the major TSC planet Tallonfill right above the major city Derlian's mighty dam system found deep below the cities more enjoyable aspects.

If you have anything to add to this new debate please let us at the TSC know.

An itching question.

Recently I have been reading the book Consider Phlebas by famed scottish writer of both general and science fiction Iain M Banks. The book is one of his six and soon to be seven Culture novels dealing with the semi anarchic (spelling?) alien civilizations by the same name found in our own milky way. My question is whether or not his SF should be considered Hard SF? The writing is extremely technical but I am still unsure. If you have any of the six books those being Consider Pheblas, The Player of Games, Use of Weapons, Excession, Inversions and Look to Windward tell me what you believe the answer to be!


Should the laws of Physics be allowed to be brocken for the sake of plot?

In my own opinion... No!!!
Many take a different stand supporting such theories as FTL travel and Tachyon message recieving drives...
But what do you think? Should the theoretically impossible be allowed for the sake of plot?
Should that oh so special time dilation be overlooked?
Spillyour guts!

I know I know I know...

Nothing has yet been posted in regards to TSC but I would like to know something. For the past several months I have gone around various locations in search for an answer with no real wrong answer....
What do you like to see in Science Fiction?
So far I have recieved roughly three answers, those being Botany (restricted only to such shows as Farscape) Robotics (a jerk I know obsessed with Asimov) and Space Battles (yawn).
Please let me know what you like and I can see if I can incorporate it into my stories... In addition it will help in the surviva of SF as we know it. You don't want to hear that speculative fiction is the new SF do you?

Welcome to the world of The Tri-System Collective and the fight for Science Fiction

You at this moment or in moments past may be wondering just what this Tri-System Collective is. Well you certinly have come to the right lace to find out due to the fact that this is the only open voice for TSC throughout this convoluted series of tubes.

TSC is my own hopefully one day published SF series dealing for the most part with astronomic restriction and the discovery of scientific theory for alien cultures. Just how would a being of a seperate biochemistry discover general relativity?... Perhaps they can't... Or maybe they can! Who knows?

Anyway if you are to investigate further you'll find what TSC is made of.